From skin benefits to hangovers, coffee can help do away with everything that gives you a headache, literally.

Whether you like it or not, coffee has proved to be a great help with modern day health issues. It isn’t just a beverage. In fact, it’s an elixir. Here’s some ways it helps you lead a better life.
1. A Clear, Healthy Skin.
Drinking black coffee has proven skin benefits. Our skin is made of what we put it through, i.e. stress, pollution, and not to mention habits like binge-eating which then accumulates junk in our system. Black coffee reduces inflammation, acne problems, and gives a calm and soothing effect to the skin.
It also restores collagen – a skin-tightening, anti-ageing, and hydrating element responsible for giving you a glow.
2. Gradual Weight loss.
With technology ruling over our lives, sedentary work has become the norm and this in turn has given us weight gain. This is exactly where black coffee comes to the rescue. Factually, if you drink a cup of black coffee a day, your metabolic rate increases, resulting in weight loss. However, it must be accompanied by a balanced diet.
Moreover, avoid having more than 3-4 cups a day for better sleep.
3. Hangover That Doesn’t Last.

Had a great time partying and then a heavy head the next morning? It probably won’t happen again. Consume a steaming cup of black coffee preferably in the morning when hangover seems to hit. Not only will you end up feeling fresh you will also have the energy to do exactly what the day ahead requires.
The caffeine in it isn’t as wicked as it is marketed. Rather, it fights back the lack of energy our brain gets due to stress. This happens because black coffee has the ability to cut down the alcohol level in the body. Additionally, when coupled with aspirin it does have the ability to relieve the headache and get you through the day as if nothing happened in the first place!
4. Burning Excess Fat
It’s no secret why fitness industry thrives on black coffee as a go-to pre-workout beverage. Scientifically, black coffee has shown immense benefits with burning excess fat stored in the body. The presence of chromogenic acid in coffee aids in fighting with saturated fatty acids which gets stored easily after a meal. As a result, new fat cells are not formed, cutting back on overall calories.
So whether you’re looking to build muscle or simply get rid of the unwanted flab, consider drinking black coffee.
5. Boosts Memory
Lack of concentration is a serious concern for most of us due to ongoing distractions while leading such a fast-paced life. Most of us require a better focus to complete complicated tasks at work. This is why most corporates are incomplete without a coffee machine. In practice, these people know how to get the most done in a day especially when a lot is at stake.
A steaming cup of black coffee comforts you in a way nothing else can, yet giving you alertness required.